In this site you will find Genealogy, Natural history (wild food, pond life, ponds around Cambridge), old photos, walks we have done with our cats, opera libretti and much more. Something of interest to almost everyone! We also own holiday cottages, see our West Dorset site

All the sections (with pink backgrounds) below have their own indexes.

British Family Bibles Genealogy from family bibles
Biographies Biographies of various family members
Richard John Torrens My own mini biography
Prof. Hugh S. Torrens, list of publications and other things
Robert George Torrens My father
John Morrison Torrens My grandfather
Richard J Torrens Publications by myself,
Books and publications Various books in electronic format
Dental Disease, by R G Torrens A rare book which has been transcribed
50 years as a Tooth Puller, by R G Torrens An unpublished book about the start of the NHS, and dentistry before that
Burwell local interest Of interest to Burwell, Cambs
Photos of demolition of D.H.Smith Factory in Reach RoadThe factory was demolished in 2003
Burwell BrookPhotos, plants, wildlife
Carvings in Burwell St Mary's churchPhotos of medieval carvings in roof
Pauline's SwampWildflowers, Wildlife, events etc.
Cigarette and Trade cards for saleA collection of over 1600 sets collected before 1981
Cats Walks with and pictures of our cats
Walking your cat How to get your cat walking with you
Cats and kidney failure Kidney disease is one of the main killers
Arpege Cats - a review
Vindex Cats - a review
Stories and anecdotes from cat owners and walkers
Walks we have done with our cats
In 2020 we moved to South Perrott in Dorset where we have holiday cottages. The web site is accumulating a lot of information about the area
Electronic components etc. for sale Lots of old electronics components and data books and data collected after 50 years in electronics
Sinclair Radionics 1954-1975 Recollections and details of many of their products
Sinclair Neoteric Amplifier Circuit, layout, photos etc.
Family Photos etc of various family events.
A Wake for Jim Eusden Photographs
Hewson family Family tree, Hewson, Eusden, Peters, Tunstall
Torrens family tree Torrens, Campbell, Devine, World and many others back to about 1660
Food for Free Details of many edible wild plants
Recipes Salad plants, salad dressings, Kimchee and others
For sale Various items for sale
Electronic components, data books etc. Lots of old electronics components and data books and data collected after 50 years in electronics
Forest of Dean 2009-2020 we owned a cottage in Green Bottom
Archeology Archeology
Books Books
Natural history Natural history, many photos
Walks Local walks, with maps and photos
Bann Valley families Many records of families in the Bann Valley, Ireland
Torrens, Torrance, Torrence etc. including transcriptions of two books
Hewson family Family tree, Hewson, Eusden, Peters, Tunstall
Youghal My own family passed through Youghal
How to DIY hints and tips
Conway Cardinal winch Refit the winch
Link to photos on this site If you wish to use a photo on your own site
Panasonic breadmaker Replace a drive belt
Stop Form Spam Spammers fill in contact forms!
Mailing Lists Genealogy and other mailing list you can join
Medical blogs I take no medication but live with Barrett's oesophagus, BPH, ABH etc
Natural history
Aquatic plants and life Bitterling, Hydra, Water plants etc.
Botanical photos Photographs
Fungi photos A assortment of photos of fungi
Ponds and water features Ponds and water around Cambridge
Cambridgeshire's chalk streams Photos
Opera Opera libretti, transcribed
Photos Historical photos, mostly Ireland
RISC OS RISC OS programs etc.
Sinclair Radionics Ltd I worked there 1966 to 1975, so lots of technical and anecdotal information on early products and years.
Walks Walks we have done, mostly with our cats
Walks in Forest of Dean with photos and maps
Walks - a new index index is in preparation as pages are moved.
Walks in West Dorset where we have holiday cottages

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